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QS World Universities Ranking 2025 | Hong Kong universities climb in the rankings

In recent years, many universities in Hong Kong have made significant progress in global rankings, including the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Lingnan University. The University of Hong Kong is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Hong Kong. With its excellent teaching and research results, as well as extensive international cooperation, the University of Hong Kong has always been ranked among the top in international rankings. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has also made significant progress in rankings in recent years. It focuses on cultivating innovative talents and has achieved groundbreaking research results in science, engineering, business management and other fields. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is highly praised for its diversified disciplines and excellent research results. In international rankings, the Chinese University of Hong Kong also main...


What is finance?

金融在教育或就業裡一直是很多人關注的領域。那為什麼人們會關注呢?以下是部分人的回答: 體面的工作、高薪、良好職業發展等等。這些答案往往都是和一個人的社會地位和其他方面多多少少有掛鉤的。可是金融領域裡有這麼多範疇:商業銀行、券商、投資銀行、基金、信託、資產管理、保險。它們是什麼?什麼領域才是最適合你的呢?它們又是透過什麼方法來掙錢的呢?



A需要錢,他向B借錢。 B分析過後覺得A是一個有信用的人,所以B借錢給A。 B換來的A借錢的憑證(相當於A的資產,裡面列明了還款期、利息等資料)。過了一段時間B突然需要錢,但A借的錢還沒有到期,B把A借錢的憑證折扣轉讓給C





Source of photo: Pixabay from Pexels


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