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QS World Universities Ranking 2025 | Hong Kong universities climb in the rankings

In recent years, many universities in Hong Kong have made significant progress in global rankings, including the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Lingnan University. The University of Hong Kong is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Hong Kong. With its excellent teaching and research results, as well as extensive international cooperation, the University of Hong Kong has always been ranked among the top in international rankings. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has also made significant progress in rankings in recent years. It focuses on cultivating innovative talents and has achieved groundbreaking research results in science, engineering, business management and other fields. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is highly praised for its diversified disciplines and excellent research results. In international rankings, the Chinese University of Hong Kong also main...

颱風蘇拉 | 逐漸迫近本港 預料為大部分市民帶來一日風假

颱風蘇拉由南海東部逐漸移向本港。作為一個超強颱風,蘇拉憑藉佢未人的無知由藍海傳入中國南部,香港市民對蘇拉嘅動向表示熱烈嘅關注。因為這關乎所有香港市民嘅安危與福祉。颱風蘇拉為香港帶來狂風暴雨,低窪地區或將會水浸。作為9月1號嘅開學日,學生感到非常傷痛因為未能夠第一時間見到很久不見的同學。  捉為營營役役嘅前線員工佢哋仍然需要投身崗位。我哋喺度向佢哋致敬!作為需要在颱風天在家工作嘅各位,記住呢個係科技發展帶畀你嘅利處,能夠讓你時時刻刻地投入工作24小時on call從無間斷為老闆服務,你嘅老闆只需要付出少少嘅金錢就令到你充滿工作熱誠在颱風天為佢服務。互惠互利令你不至於在颱風天失去對工作嘅熱誠。向好嗰邊諗啦其實颱風天你都有工返證明你未被社會淘汰降低失業風險。你老闆都係為咗你好㗎咋。  颱風蘇拉為香港帶來一隻風假?係真唔係呀?


捉為營營役役嘅前線員工佢哋仍然需要投身崗位。我哋喺度向佢哋致敬!作為需要在颱風天在家工作嘅各位,記住呢個係科技發展帶畀你嘅利處,能夠讓你時時刻刻地投入工作24小時on call從無間斷為老闆服務,你嘅老闆只需要付出少少嘅金錢就令到你充滿工作熱誠在颱風天為佢服務。互惠互利令你不至於在颱風天失去對工作嘅熱誠。向好嗰邊諗啦其實颱風天你都有工返證明你未被社會淘汰降低失業風險。你老闆都係為咗你好㗎咋。


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